What Black History Month Means to Me!

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Whitney Houston said it best, ” I believe that children are the future. Teach them well and let THEM Lead the way.” No better way to end this month’s celebration of Black History than by highlighting the voice of the youth.

What Black History Month Means to Me! – Khloe Thomas, Age 10

When we think about Black History Month we think it is a time to celebrate African American leaders who inspired us, taught us, and helped us fight, but let me tell you what black history month means to me. When I think about black history month I think of all those African Americans who fought for many years just to get equal rights. When African Americans tried to fight for their rights they were either beaten, arrested or killed.

We celebrate Black History Month to celebrate our heroes who helped us get where we are today. I am talking about those heroes who risked their lives trying to get freedom in any way possible. When I think of these heroes I think of Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, Madam C.J Walker, Ida B. Wells, and the list can go on forever. To me Black History Month means celebrating and remembering all those leaders and honoring them for fighting for us. That is what Black History Month means to me.

What Black History Month Means to Me! – Kennedy Thomas, Age 10

Black History month means a time to celebrate our culture. Not only do you have to celebrate Black History for one month, you can celebrate it every single day of the year. For kids like me, I have people to look up to, I have people that inspire me and best of all they have made history. People like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, and Booker T. Washington. They fought for their rights. They never gave up and never backed down. All of their hard work makes the world a better place. No more slaves, no more segregation and no more fighting for our rights because they made it happen. If all the history makers backed down, our world wouldn’t be what it is today. That’s what Black History means to me!

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